Two legal professionals looking at a laptop and taking notes

Online Individual Law Courses Suited to Your Profession

Cost per Credit Hour
Credits per Course
Alumni Discount per Credit Hour

Nondegree Seeking (NDS) Individual Law Courses

Whether you work in a highly regulated field or as an attorney, it’s essential to stay up to date on relevant legal issues and trends. We offer affordable online law courses to help refresh and sharpen your skills and address legal issues in your industry or your law career.

As a nondegree-seeking student or alumnus, you can take one or more individual courses in specific areas.

Online Law Courses

At Purdue Global Law School, you’ll have access to some of the best legal minds, sophisticated interactive educational technology, and a rigorous curriculum, all with the added advantage of online flexibility.

Purdue Global Law School’s single courses are designed for business owners or professionals working in business, IT, health care, government, human resources, education, or other relevant fields. Our single courses also help attorneys brush up on legal skills.

Contact Us

To find out more or to enroll in our next term, please contact our admissions office at or 877-787-8189

About Our Law Courses

Purdue Global Law School single courses cover legal information in the areas of business, IT, health care, government, human resources, education, and more. Depending on the field you are in, you can gain industry-specific expertise to resolve disputes; become an advocate for patients, families, or other stakeholders; negotiate, draft, or review contracts; shape corporate or institutional policy; build knowledge to communicate better with attorneys; or advance within your organization or firm.

Upon successful completion of an online law course or courses as an NDS student, you will have the opportunity to transfer the credits earned toward Purdue Global Law School’s Executive Juris Doctorate program. Our Executive Juris Doctor program is designed for those who are interested in gaining legal skills or knowledge but who do not intend on becoming a practicing attorney.

For detailed descriptions of our courses, view the Course Descriptions page in our law school catalog. (Note: not all courses are offered each term.)

Administrative and Government Law Courses
Business Law Courses
Education and Family Law Courses
Health Law Courses
Intellectual Property and Technology Law Courses
Legal Practice and Advocacy Courses

Administrative and Government Law Courses

  • Administrative Advocacy

  • Administrative Law

  • ADR and Technology

  • Contract Drafting

  • Immigration Law

  • Federal Taxation

Business Law Courses

  • Business Planning and Skills Training—Practicum

  • Contract Drafting

  • Employment Discrimination 

  • Employment Law

  • Federal Taxation

  • Immigration Law

  • Rural Law Practice

Education and Family Law Courses

  • Administrative Law

  • Administrative Advocacy

  • Education Law

  • Family Law Practicum

  • Special Education Law

Health Law Courses

  • Administrative Law

  • Administrative Advocacy

  • ADR and Technology

  • Health Law

  • Medical Malpractice/Professional Liability

  • Medical Products Liability

  • Risk Management in Health Care

Intellectual Property and Technology Law Courses

  • ADR and Technology

  • Artificial Intelligence Law

  • Cyber Law

  • Cybersecurity Law

  • Intellectual Property

  • Patent Claim Drafting

  • Patent Law Fundamentals

  • Patent Litigation

Legal Practice and Advocacy Courses

  • Administrative Advocacy

  • ADR and Technology

  • Cross Professional Ethics

  • Family Law Practicum

  • Rural Law Practice

  • Trial Advocacy—Theories, Tactics, and Techniques

  • Virtual Law Practice