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Prospective Students

How to Succeed at a Distance Learning Law School

Who Thrives as a Purdue Global Law School Student?

While students at Purdue Global Law School enjoy far more scheduling flexibility and accessibility than students attending fixed campus law schools, the program is still rigorous and intensive: it requires time, energy, and focus to complete.

How to Succeed in Law School

Those who succeed at Purdue Global Law School are ambitious, highly motivated, and self-disciplined. Your goal of earning a legal degree is achievable, but only if you have the genuine desire, time, and dedication. Our selective admissions process is designed with a goal of enrolling only those up to the challenge.

Many Locations, Many Backgrounds

We’re proud of the diverse group of applicants attracted to Purdue Global Law School. At our distance learning law school, you’ll interact with people across the U.S. and around the globe. You’ll discover that your fellow students bring a wide range of backgrounds and experiences to class:

  • Executives broadening their expertise or pursuing a second career

  • Physicians and other medical professionals seeking legal expertise to help patients or practice outcomes or who are interested in transitioning to administration

  • Entrepreneurs looking to protect and expand their company

  • Single parents striving to advance professionally while raising young children

  • Military servicemembers (or their family) whose service demands geographic flexibility

  • Nonprofit and public sector professionals advocating on behalf of those who need help

  • And many more students, each bringing their unique experiences and insights to the classroom

The depth and breadth of so many different perspectives can make class discussions and study sessions especially engaging.

Learn how earning an Executive Juris Doctor from Purdue Global Law School helped Tony move his career forward.