close-up of columns on front of U.S. court building

Dwight Kealy, 2012 Graduate

Dwight Kealy, JD

Dwight Kealy is one interesting individual. He graduated from high school in South America and then went on to earn his undergraduate degree at Westmont College in 1993. He did graduate work (archeology) at Harvard University while in Israel before enrolling at Yale University where he earned his master’s degree in Religion in 1996.

“I was interested in the academic world—history, art, religion. I was at a period in my life where I was thinking ‘Is this really what I want to do for the rest of my life?’”

Something was missing. “I was interested in serving my country in some way. I remember going to my guidance counselors at Yale. They gave me a list of senators and different people I could talk too.”

Dwight had different ideas. He enlisted in the United States Marine Corp.

After completing basic training at Paris Island, the Marine Corp sent Dwight to the Defense Language Institute to learn Arabic and then onto Officer’s Candidate School. Dwight served as an Intelligence Analysis Officer for the 1st USMC Division. He left the military in April 2002 and joined a large California-based insurance services company where he eventually became its Chief Operating Officer.

Dwight considered going back to school to earn his MBA but the idea of taking on a lot of student debt and potentially having to quit work made it a non-starter. Instead, he switched his focus to law school. As the Chief Operating Officer at the insurance company, “I saw lawsuits every week.”

Dwight decided to enroll at Purdue Global Law School (formerly Concord Law School). He and his wife welcome their first child at the end of his first year at Purdue Global Law School.

Dwight graduated from Purdue Global Law School with a JD degree in 2012 and became a proud parent again. He sat for and passed the California State Bar exam and decided to leave the insurance industry and open his own law practice in January 2014 specializing in civil law.

Dwight continues to have a commitment to service. He volunteers at a local legal aid clinic in his community.